Interactive 3D Flow Visualization Based on Textures and Geometric Primitives

As the size of CFD simulation data sets expand, the job of the engineer to analyze, explore, and present the data becomes more challenging. The scientific visualization tools used by the engineer should evolve to meet the growing demands presented by large simulation data sets. Furthermore, no single visualization technique can meet each users needs. We present a detailed selection of recently developed direct, geometric, and texture-based flow visualization techniques. These techniques address the demand, set forth by engineers, for visualization solutions which provide insight into CFD simulation data. Included are algorithms for (1) the resampling of CFD simulation data, (2) fast, animated texture-based flow visualization, and (3) geometric flow visualization including dashed, animated-streamlines, oriented streamlines, streamlets, and streamcomets. Each approach is targeted at the visual analysis of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation data. This relatively new selection of techniques provides valuable tools that allow engineers to gain insight into their CFD simulation results.

Link to NAFEMS World Congress.

Papers: Interactive 3D Flow Visualization Based on Textures and Geometric Primitives by Robert S. Laramee and Helwig Hauser, in NAFEMS World Congress Conference Proceedings, The International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community, May 17-20, 2005, St. Juliens Bay, Malta ( PDF file, ~3.7MB ) Interactive 3D Flow Visualization Based on Textures and Geometric Primitives by Robert S. Laramee and Helwig Hauser, VRVis Technical Report, TR-VRVis-2004-036, September 2004 ( PDF file, ~4.1MB )
Project: Parts of this work has been carried out as part of the application research project Multi-Disciplinary Visualization in the VRVis Research Center, Area 3, Project 2, which is funded by an Austrian governmental research project called Kplus and AVL.
Images: (Click on images for higher resolution)

A slice mesh with discontinuities -two gaps in the shape of rings, using hedgehog visualization.

The same slice resampled onto a regular grid using FIRST.

ISA applied to the flow simulation data at the surface of two intake ports side by side: ISA with the white background and IBFVS with the gray background.

IBFVS applied to the flow simulation data at the surface of two intake ports side by side.

(1) a velocity isosurface of value 5.0 m/s with a CFD simulation attribute mapped to hue, (2) with texture-based flow visualization applied, (3) texture-based flow visualization on the isosurface combined with a normal mask.

Visualization of blood flow at the surface of an aneurysm using (1) streamlines, (2) oriented streamlines, (3) streamlets, and (4) streamcomets.

This page is maintained by Robert S. Laramee. 
In case of questions, comments, collaboration ideas, etc., please mail to Laramee "at"