Publication List of Robert S. Laramee
and Workshop
reviewed / refereed
[22]  Christoph Garth, Robert S. Laramee, Xavier Tricoche, Juergen Schneider, and Hans Hagen, Extraction and Visualization of Swirl and Tumble Motion from Engine Simulation Data, in The Topology-Based Methods in Visualization Workshop, 29-30 September 2005, Budmerice, Slovakia, workshop proceedings forthcoming (PDF file forthcoming, web page, video, see also TR-VRVis-2005-05n )
[21]  Robert S. Laramee, Christoph Garth, Juergen Schneider, and Helwig Hauser, Texture Advection on Stream Surfaces: A Novel Hybrid Visualization Applied to CFD Simulation Results in Data Visualization, Proceedings of the Joint EUROGRAPHICS - IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (EuroVis 2006), pages 155-162 (color plate on page 368), May 8-10, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal ( PDF file, web page, video, see also TR-VRVis-2005-05n )
[20]  Robert S. Laramee, Christoph Garth, Helmut Doleisch, Juergen Schneider, Helwig Hauser, and Hans Hagen, Visual Analysis and Exploration of Fluid Flow in a Cooling Jacket, in Proceedings of IEEE Visualization (Vis 2005), pages 623-630, October 23-28, 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota ( web page, PDF file, video, see also TR-VRVis-2005-010 )
[19]  Robert S. Laramee and Helwig Hauser, Interactive 3D Flow Visualization Based on Textures and Geometric Primitives, NAFEMS World Congress Conference Proceedings, The International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community, page 75 (full proceedings on CDROM), May 17-20, 2005, St. Julians Bay, Malta ( PDF file, see also TR-VRVis-2004-036 , web page )
[18]  Markus Grabner and Robert S. Laramee, Image Space Advection on Graphics Hardware in Proceedings of the 21st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2005 (SCCG 2005), pages 75-82, May 12-14 2005, Budmerice, Slovakia ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2005-002 )
[17]  Robert S. Laramee, Markus Hadwiger, and Helwig Hauser, Design and Implementation of Geometric and Texture-Based Flow Visualization Techniques in Proceedings of the 21st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2005 (SCCG 2005), pages 67-74, May 12-14 2005, Budmerice, Slovakia ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2004-035 )
[16]  Robert S. Laramee and Helwig Hauser, Geometric Flow Visualization Techniques for CFD Simulation Data in Proceedings of the 21st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2005 (SCCG 2005), pages 213-216, May 12-14 2005, Budmerice, Slovakia ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2004-035 )
[15]  Robert S. Laramee, Daniel Weiskopf, Juergen Schneider, and Helwig Hauser, Investigating Swirl and Tumble Flow with a Comparison of Visualization Techniques in Proceedings of IEEE Visualization (Vis 2004), pages 51-58, October 15-19, 2004, Austin, Texas ( PDF file, web page, video, see also TR-VRVis-2004-012 )
[14]  Robert S. Laramee, Jarke J. van Wijk, Bruno Jobard, and Helwig Hauser, ISA and IBFVS: Image Space Based Visualization of Flow on Surfaces in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG), Vol. 10, No. 6, November/December 2004, pages 637-648 ( PDF file, web page, printed cover of Vol. 10, No. 6, see also TR-VRVis-2004-007 )
[13]  Robert S. Laramee, Helwig Hauser, Helmut Doleisch, Benjamin Vrolijk, Frits H. Post, and Daniel Weiskopf, The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Dense and Texture-Based Techniques in Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2004, pages 203-221 ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2003-042 )
[12]  Robert S. Laramee, Juergen Schneider, and Helwig Hauser, Texture-Based Flow Visualization on Isosurfaces from Computational Fluid Dynamics in Data Visualization, Proceedings of the 6th Joint EUROGRAPHICS - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization (VisSym 2004), pages 85-90, May 19-21, 2004, Constance, Germany ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2003-038 )
[11]  Robert S. Laramee, Bruno Jobard, and Helwig Hauser, Image Space Based Visualization of Unsteady Flow On Surfaces in Proceedings of IEEE Visualization (Vis 2003), pages 131-138, October 19-24, 2003, Seattle, Washington ( PDF file, web page, video, see also TR-VRVis-2003-011 )
[10]  Frits H. Post, Benjamin Vrolijk, Helwig Hauser, Robert S. Laramee, and Helmut Doleisch, The State of the Art in Flow Visualisation: Feature Extraction and Tracking in Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2003, pages 775-792 ( PDF file, related web page )
[9]  Robert S. Laramee, FIRST: A Flexible and Interactive Resampling Tool for CFD Simulation Data in Computers & Graphics, Vol. 27, No. 6, pages 905-916, 2003 ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2003-020 )
[8]  Philip J. Rhodes, Robert S. Laramee, R. Daniel Bergeron, and Ted M. Sparr, Uncertainty Visualization Methods in Isosurface Rendering in EUROGRAPHICS 2003 Short Papers, M. Chover, H. Hagen and D. Tost Editors, pages 83-88, September 1-5 2003, Granada, Spain ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2003-019 )
[7]  Frits H. Post, Benjamin Vrolijk, Helwig Hauser, Robert S. Laramee, and Helmut Doleisch, Feature Extraction and Visualization of Flow Fields in EUROGRAPHICS 2002, State of the Art Reports, pages 69-100, September 4-6 2002, Saarbruecken, Germany ( PDF file, related web page, see also TR-VRVis-2002-028 )
[6]  Robert S. Laramee and Colin Ware, Rivalry and Interference with a Head Mounted Display in ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2002, pages 238-251 ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2002-005 )
[5]  Robert S. Laramee and R. Daniel Bergeron, An Isosurface Continuity Algorithm for Super Adaptive Resolution Data in Advances in Modelling, Animation, and Rendering: Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2002 Conference Proceedings, John Vince and Rae Earnshaw editors, pages 215-237, 3-5 July 2002, Bradford, UK ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2002-006 )
[4]  Robert S. Laramee, Interactive 3D Flow Visualization Using a Streamrunner in CHI 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, pages 804-805, 20-25 April 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota ( PDF file, web page, see also TR-VRVis-2002-007 )
[3]  Robert S. Laramee and Colin Ware, Visual Interference with a Transparent Head Mounted Display in CHI 2001 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, pages 323-324, 31 March - 5 April 2001, Seattle, Washington ( PDF file, related web page )
[2]  Robert S. Laramee, Interactive 3D Flow Visualization Based on Textures and Geometric Primitives, PhD Thesis, Helwig Hauser Adviser, Editor, and Examiner, Werner Purgathofer Examiner, for The Institute for Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology, December 2004, Vienna, Austria, 150 pages ( PDF file ~43MB, web page )
[1]  Robert S. Laramee, Isosurface Rendering of Adaptive Resolution Data, Masters Thesis, R. Daniel Bergeron Editor, Ted M. Sparr and Radim Bartos Committee Members, for The Computer Science Department at The University of New Hampshire, December 2000, Durham, NH, 91 pages ( PDF file )

[5]  Robert S. Laramee, Helmut Doleisch, and Helwig Hauser, Topology-Based Methods in Flow Visualization and Their Application in Industry, TR-VRVis-2005-051 Technical Report, VRVis Research Center, Vienna, Austria, September 2005 (PDF file and related web page forthcoming )
[4]  Robert S. Laramee, Comparing and Evaluating State of the Art Computer Graphics and Visualization Software, TR-VRVis-2005-018, Technical Report, VRVis Research Center, Vienna, Austria, June 2005
[3]  Helwig Hauser, Robert S. Laramee, Helmut Doleisch, Frits H. Post, and Benjamin Vrolijk, The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Direct, Texture-based, and Geometric Techniques, TR-VRVis-2002-046 Technical Report, VRVis Research Center, Vienna, Austria, December 2002 ( PDF file, related web page )
[2]  Robert S. Laramee and Helwig Hauser, A Streamrunner and Streamcomets for Interactive Visualization of CFD Simulation Data on Versatile, Unstructured Grids , TR-VRVis-2002-017 , Technical Report, VRVis Research Center, March 2002, Vienna, Austria ( PDF file, web page )
[1]  Helwig Hauser, Robert S. Laramee, and Helmut Doleisch, State-of-the-Art Report 2002 in Flow Visualization, TR-VRVis-2002-003 , Technical Report, VRVis Research Center, January 2002, Vienna, Austria ( PDF file, related web page )
Talks and
[12]  Robert S. Laramee, Visualizing the Flow of Engine Simulation Data, Invited Talk, 21 June 2006, for the Image and Signal Processing Group in the Computer Science Department at the University of Leipzig, Germany
[11]  Robert S. Laramee, Advanced Flow Visualization Techniques for CFD Simulation Data, Invited Talk, 10 April 2006, for the Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), University of Florida (UF), Gainsville Florida
[10]  Robert S. Laramee, Interactive Flow Visualization Techniques for CFD Simulation Data, Invited Talk, 6 April 2006, for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Mississippi State University (MSU), Starkville Mississippi
[9]  Robert S. Laramee, Advanced Flow Visualization Techniques for Simulation Data, Invited Talk, 5 April 2006, for the Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), Oxford Mississippi
[8]  Robert S. Laramee, Interactive, Time-Dependent Flow Visualization Techniques for CFD Simulation Data, Invited Talk, 27 February 2006, for the Department of Computer Science at Kent State University (KSU), Kent, Ohio
[7]  Robert S. Laramee, Effective Visualization of Heat Transfer, Invited Talk, 8 February 2006, for the Department of Computer Science at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
[6]  Robert S. Laramee, Interactive, Time-Dependent Flow Visualization Based on Textures and Geometric Primitives, Invited Talk, 7 February 2006, at the Centre for Scientific Computing, Simon Fraser University (SFU), Burnaby, Canada
[5]  Robert S. Laramee, Visual Analysis and Exploration of Fluid Flow in a Cooling Jacket, Invited Talk, 31 October 2005, for the Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), Oxford Mississippi
[4]  Robert S. Laramee, 2.5D Flow Visualization, Invited Talk, 12 October 2005, at AVL for the Department of Advanced Simulation Technologies (AST), Graz, Austria
[3]  Robert S. Laramee, Topology-Based Methods in Flow Visualization and Their Application in Industry, Invited Talk, 30 September 2005, at the Topology-Based Methods in Visualization Workshop 2005, Budmerice, Slovakia
[2]  Robert S. Laramee, Interactive, 3D Flow Visualization Based on Textures and Geometric Primitives, Invited Talk, 5 May 2005, at the University of North Carolina (UNCC), Charlotte, NC, Department of Computer Science
[1]  Gordon Erlebacher, Robert S. Laramee, and Daniel Weiskopf, Interactive, Texture-Based Flow Visualization, IEEE Visualization (Vis 2004) Tutorial , 15-19 October 2004, Austin, Texas, ( web page, supplementary material, 2.5D web page )

BibTeX entries for the above articles can found at The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies.
This page is maintained by Robert S. Laramee.
In case of questions, comments, collaboration ideas, etc., please send mail to: Laramee "at"